Nov 17, 2022Liked by Alice Teodorescu

On life & creative projects -> the reality in which we are actually living is generated by our consciousness , our mind chooses to believe some maps, discard many others and stitch them together to create our own map (made of maps made of maps); it's a lot of work and it doesn't make sense to throw it all out and start again from scratch so we always, at best, try to integrate new sub-maps (if we believe them to be true) in our existing map; when we fail, we end up in a state of unpleasant cognitive dissonance, when we succeed we update our reality; we don't interact directly with the territory but through the user interface our mind creates (out of maps), only when things go wrong we may decide we need an interface update

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What's one contrarian view you embrace?-> D. Dennett has a long list of contrarian views like: "Yes, we have X but it's not what you think it is", i will pick just one: Yes, we have a soul but it's made of lots of tiny robots -> https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/191761-some-years-ago-there-was-a-lovely-philosopher-of-science ; please, if you know any literature or movies that get this right (instead of insisting that there's something special and forever incomprehensible from which our soul is made of), let me know!

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